UNRACK at the NSCA India Global Chapter Conference

UNRACK at the NSCA India Global Chapter Conference

Recently our CEO, Dr Sahana Gopal presented at the first ever global chapter of the NSCA conference in India delivering a practical guide on the use of Olympic lifting derivatives in enhancing Sports Performance.

Prior to conducting the practical section of the talk, she spoke about the considerations and functional aspects of weightlifting barbells, particularly in relation to barbell grip, spin and diameter that relate to performance of these lifts.

Here's what she covered:
✊ Hook Grip - Learn the hook grip! It works on reducing tension through the elbow and secures the bar in your hands.

🌀 Spin - The bar must spin freely in order to minimise torque through the hands and wrists.

📏 Bar size/weight - There are different bars for women and men based on hand/wrist sizes and proportions. These are a 15kg-25mm grip vs 20kg-28mm grip respectively. You are not weak if you use a women’s bar! Especially as you can have the same total weight while making up the extra 5kg.

💍 Colour & ring markings - Easily recognise a barbell type by looking at the colour of its end cap - blue (men’s) or yellow (women’s). You would also find two pairs of rings on either end of the shaft for multi-use bars, and just single rings on either end for a weightlifting bar - indicating a reference point for your snatch grip.

Here is our newest product, the UNRACK women’s weightlifting stainless steel barbell featured on stage supporting her demos! 🏋️‍♂️

You can watch the full video of her conference talk below! 



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